Crosshill Studs

V Cherokee Provocativo, IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV1,ZOP, FPR2 Kkl 1
born: June 16, 2006
With the help of a my friend M Weiland, Cherokee is Crosshill latest aquision. Cherokee is going to give us access to Germany's and Czechoslovakia's finest lines. Cherokee is five years old and weighs 95 lbs. He is extemely masculin, black tan and mohogany red. He has nerves of steel and has huge prey drive for ball. Cherokee gets along well with people and other dogs. Cherokee was imported to USA, via Missy Schmidt (see picture right with Cherokee, Peter Cadman, and Missy Schmidt), of Superior k9 Atlanta Georgia. Missy and her team have dedicated 12 monthes of elete training to Cherokees' well being and we are thrilled to have him at our kennel.